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The Seven Chakras

“Chakra” is Sankrit and means “wheel.” According to yogic anatomy, we have a total of 114 of these energy centers distributed throughout the body. Of these, Seven Chakras are particularly important. These are located along the spine, or as the yogi would say, along the shushumna, the main energy channel in our body. In order to live a life…

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Happy World Yoga Day

Yoga and Ayurveda with Sarah I, too, would like to celebrate the International Yoga Day with you on June 21 and have come up with a couple of very special offers: Free Sun Yoga lesson for World Yoga Day for all levels – in German In this 67-minute holistic practice, we let the sun shine into our hearts on…

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Above our desires, lie our senses, above our senses lie us. This code of raja yoga holds infinite knowledge. The randomness and wildness of thoughts is sometimes overwhelming. You have no control as the mind wants to rush in every direction. It happened to me in practice today morning, as it does a lot of times. To tame the…

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A tree

A black hole does not allow any light to escape. So does the retina of the eye. Are the two similar then? Is the smallest and most visible of objects, and the almost never reachable black hole nothing but based on the same principle? Can the solutions to the biggest of mysteries be found in the simplest of things? …

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We are all looking for freedom. Freedom from wanting, freedom from the bondages that come along with the different challenges we enforce upon ourselves. The idea of Yoga, at least what it teaches, is to just base these challenges on the right premise. There will always be struggle, there will always be a battle, there will always be search…

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A world of images

In a world full of images, the only camera you need to bother about is within you. For things to change, you don’t need different landscapes, you just need new eyes. In an obsessive, compulsive and popular search for freedom, we entangle ourselves in ever more traps. Each soul is unique, each ones freedom shall be unique. One is…

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Happy World Yoga Day

Let’s celebrate with 108 Sun Salutations I also wanted to take part in the World Yoga Day celebrations, even though I am a little isolated in India at the moment. So I did it: 108 Surya Namaskar. It was harder than expected. Mainly because I didn’t expect anything. I just went to my mat and started. But soon I…

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