One of the eight branches in Ayurveda is called Rasayana and deals with “rejuvenation”. Of course, the Rasayana applications are not really younger, but may well prolong life or give more quality to life. Tissue is built up and strengthened and in general, more well-being is ensured. In a small personal setting Rasayana treatments may be beneficial applications that may be cosmetic treatment.
I have a few applications for face, hair and the whole body to my own small “day spa” in the Indian bathroom.
After all, I don’t just want Ayurveda theoretically but it should be applied in practice! The self-massage I do Abhyanga quite regularly in my daily routine.
But now also an Ayurvedic hair cure, a skin peeling/face mask and facial cleansing. In addition, before the full body massage I also test the Garshan- a dry massage with sponge made of raw silk.

Yesterday it was time. My Spa Day Despite Curfew was in place.
In the kitchen I quickly mixed the recipes together: Triphala powder with water and sea amoil cooked for 10 minutes for the hair, one Peeling of chickpea flour, milk, turmeric and rose oil for the body (I also use it as a face mask) and foamed milk with rose water for facial cleansing. Everything made quickly with simple ingredients.

The applications themselves were a very nice “sour” and I was very happy about my Indian bathroom, where practically the whole room is a shower with drain.

I cleaned my face with milk, shampooed my Hair with the triphala sesame oil mixture and brushed my entire skin tissue strong with the raw silk. Then came the chickpea mask. In professional Ayurvedic Applications are called rubbing with the paste Urdvatana. I knew it already from one of my yoga retreats, where I applied it myself as a therapist. First, apply it body part by body part to the previously oiled skin and then rub it until it detaches from the skin as a crumb. This is how not only a good exfoliation, but also an excellent Cleaning. I enjoyed the peeling and also the face mask. When I then but later washed with warm waters, I had red all over the skin Straps and pustules. Either I was against one of the ingredients in the exfoliation allergic or the combination from the strong rubbing with raw silk and exfoliation was a little too much…
Nevertheless, after that my whole skin felt wonderfully delicate and soft.
My hair also looks a little stronger, but this can also be conceited.
Conclusion: From simple ingredients you can quickly conjure up a small Ayurveda self-spa and it feels really good afterwards. But the applications themselves can then provide some work in the bathroom in terms of bathroom cleaning and probably a professional application in a real Ayurveda center stays a little more relaxed in hindsight: here also others clean…… In any case, I enjoyed it.