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The Seven Chakras

“Chakra” is Sankrit and means “wheel.” According to yogic anatomy, we have a total of 114 of these energy centers distributed throughout the body. Of these, Seven Chakras are particularly important. These are located along the spine, or as the yogi would say, along the shushumna, the main energy channel in our body. In order to live a life…

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Om Shakti Ma

Shakti is the cosmic energy through which everything in this universe manifests – including us. In Hindu mythology she is represented in the form of the female deities who stand for abundance, power, beauty, change, security and nourishment.Only when Shakti works in us, we can live our full potential and radiate out of us.Shakti works in interaction with Shiva,…

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What is Yoga

I am a trained Yoga teacher and I have been practicing Yoga for more than a decade now. And still, whenever the question “What is Yoga?” during my yoga trainings turned up, I made myself quite small, eagerly trying not to be noticed and asked. “What is Yoga?” Some Students then would immediately give the answer by quoting Patanjali…

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Happy World Yoga Day

Yoga and Ayurveda with Sarah I, too, would like to celebrate the International Yoga Day with you on June 21 and have come up with a couple of very special offers: Free Sun Yoga lesson for World Yoga Day for all levels – in German In this 67-minute holistic practice, we let the sun shine into our hearts on…

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Studying Ayurveda in India

I just came back from a 3 month intense Ayurveda Life Style Consultant Course, which was conducted by our Ayurveda Hospital “Greens Ayurveda”. Situated in the north of Kerala, here at Greens Ayurveda we do not only offer Ayurveda Retreats, but also Ayurveda Yoga Teacher Trainings. Since traveling to India is right now not possible due to Corona and…

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What Are The Pros Of Yoga Bolster Pillows?

Yoga is a known physical and mental exercise that heals the body and mind altogether through the various poses. Yogi – a yoga follower, finds more comfortable and keep the correct alignment using different yoga props. The yoga bolster pillow is most popular among the various yoga props. Using this prop is essential for those who like to perform…

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