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Happy World Yoga Day

Let’s celebrate with 108 Sun Salutations I also wanted to take part in the World Yoga Day celebrations, even though I am a little isolated in India at the moment. So I did it: 108 Surya Namaskar. It was harder than expected. Mainly because I didn’t expect anything. I just went to my mat and started. But soon I…

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An ashram, a guru and the hot sun of Rajasthan

For more than 2 hours the bus travels over the almost straight road through the flickering heat of the Rajasthan sun. I sit sandwiched between an elderly gentleman with a goat on her lap and a young woman in a pink Rajasthan garb and a long dark ponytail covered by a thin cloth, like her face. My feet stand…

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Ayurveda Home Spa

One of the eight branches in Ayurveda is called Rasayana and deals with “rejuvenation”. Of course, the Rasayana applications are not really younger, but may well prolong life or give more quality to life. Tissue is built up and strengthened and in general, more well-being is ensured. In a small personal setting Rasayana treatments may be beneficial applications that…

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Shiva- the Adi Yogi

OM NAMAH SHIVAYA Shiva Mantra Shiva is one of the most worshiped gods in Hinduism. Everyone loves him, respects his great powers and can even identify with the Mahadeva- the greatest gods of all. Shiva is one part of the Trimurti Brahma- the creator, Vishnu the container and Shiva the destroyer. These three gods keep the circle of life…

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Parvati- the goddess of beauty and devotion

JAY AMBE BHAWANI JAGADAMBE BHAWANI Mother Goddess Mantra Parvati , the mother goddess, belongs as Shiva’s wife to the Tridevi together with Saraswati and Laxmi. Parvati has many different forms, like Durga (goddess of divinity) , Kali (goddess of darkness) and Annapurna (goddess of food) As Parvati she takes the peaceful form. She is the goddess of devotion, love,…

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Ganesha- The remover of obstacles

OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA Ganesha Mantra Ganesha, the elephant headed god, is the remover of all obstacles and stands for all new beginnings. He is the God of the “Gana”, the people and one of the most popular gods in Hinduism. Ganesha was created by his mother Parvati out of turmeric paste. One time Parvati wanted to take an…

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