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Yoga Camp in the Himalayas

15 Days Yoga Camp Inquire or book now This Yoga Camp at Daramshala is for everyone who would love to practice Yoga in the Indian Himalaya, loves nature and are on a limited budget. You have the choice between staying in a tent or in a small cottage or tree house. In the morning you will wake up to…

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Yoga Retreat in the Indian Himalayas and visit to Amritsar

Inquire or book now 15 Days Yoga Retreat On this two-week trip to the Indian Himalayas we will stay in Mcleod Ganj, the “Little Lhasa”, home to a huge tibetan population and located at an altitude of 1800 meters. The influence of the buddhist culture is very visible in this pristine town, steaming with monks. The town is famous with…

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